SKR Hobby Farm
On top of our equine operation, we raise and milk a small herd of Nigerian Dwarf goats. We occasionally have kids available for purchase. We also sell eggs from our free-range chickens locally in the Stephenville, TX area and have chicks available in the early spring. Chicks are only available by request after April.
Eggs are unwashed and stored on the counter. They are marked with a food-safe marker with the date they were collected.
This part of the farm is solely for fun! We may not have anything available at the moment but we do keep a waitlist for goat kids, chickens, and eggs so please don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested in being added to the waitlist for when we have some available.
We are currently accepting egg customers, one-time pick up, weekly or bi-weekly pick up available.
Chicken Breeds
Eggs ............................................................. $4.00/dozen OR $2.50/Half Dozen
$1.00 off if you bring your own egg carton​ with purchase of a full dozen.
Day Old Chicks ............................... $2.00/chick
3 Week Old Chicks ........................ $3.00/chick
Custom Hatching ........................... +$0.50/chick
Pullets ............................................... $10.00/pullet
Laying Hen ....................................... $20.00/hen
Goat Kids ................................................... Priced Individually
Please see available kids here
Plymouth Barred Rock mix
He is either 1/2 Black Sex-Link or 1/2 Aloha​
Plymouth Barred Rock (brown eggs)
Easter Egger (blue eggs)
Black Sex-Link (brown eggs)
Lavender Orpington (light brown/tan eggs)
We can try hatching eggs from [a] specific hen(s) for a small fee. There are no guarantees on breed or sex of day-old or 3-week-old chicks as a few of the eggs look very similar.
Chicken Availability
Currently, no laying hens or pullets available.
Chicks are available by request, the latest date we will add eggs to the incubator for 2024 is August 30. Please remember it will take about 21 days for eggs to hatch. Custom hatching fee only applies if you're looking for chicks from specific hens.